Contact Us

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176 Newington Road
West Hartford, CT, 06110
United States


The Home of Garrett's Barber Shop // Connecticut's Premier Barber Shop for Men // Open 7 Days A Week


Contact Us / Hours

176 newington road (Suite D) West hartford, ct 06110

860.818.6929 (Text or Call)


(By Appointment Only)

Tuesday 7-5 | Wednesday 7-7 | Thursday 7-7 Friday 7-5 | Saturday 7-2 | Sunday & Monday by Special Appointment Only

Individual Hours

Garrett: ( Tues 7-11:30 // Wed 7-3 // Thur 9 - 12 // Fri 7-12 // Sat 8-12

Danielle: ( Tues 9-3 // Wed 1-7 // Thur 9-5 // Fri 9-5 // Sat 8-12

Ryan: (  Tues 10-6 // Wed 10-6 // Thur 8-7 // Fri 8-3 // Sat 8-2

Shannon: ( Tues 9-5 // Wed 1-7 // Thurs 9-5 // Fri 9-12  // Sat 8-2

Corey: ( Tues 9-5 // Wed 9-5 // Thurs 9-5 // Fri 9-5 // Sat 8-2

Karen: ( Tues 8:30 -5:30 // Wed 8:30 - 5:30 // Thurs 8:30 - 5:30 // Fri 8:30 - 5:30 // Sat 8:30 - 5:30

All barbers are by appointment only and do not accept walk-ins. Same-day appointments are accepted (if available). Call 860-818-6929.




Please note that is the ONLY reliable source for information regarding the barber shop. We realize that many third-party sites (Google, Yahoo, etc.) may contain info such as hours. While we do our best to keep those sites up-to-date, they often lag behind and we cannot guarantee their accuracy. Please go directly to this site or our various social media platforms (Instagram & Twitter) for up-to-date information!